4 Biggest Fitness Myths You Should Stop Believing Now

You’ve been going to the gym for a year now and you see a new-comer doing the exact opposite of what you were doing for the past 1 year. Ha.. he’s doing it wrong. Or is he? Are you sure? The chances are maybe you’re the one who’s really doing it wrong for the past 1 year. Even if you are a well-informed workout buff, it is highly likely that you are a victim of some of the biggest fitness myths that have been going around the gym. These myths do more harm to your fitness than good.

Here are some of the biggest fitnessmyths you should stop believing right now!

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1. Lifting weights make women bulky.


If you’re a woman, you’ve probablyheard this gym myth. Lifting weights makes men bulky because of thetestosterone hormone in men that gives them manly features like facial hair,deep voice, etc. But, for women, they have only minimum testosterone in theirbody and lifting weights has the opposite effects of what this myth says.Lifting weights actually helps women burn more calories by increasing theirlean muscle mass.

2. The best time to work out is inthe morning.

4 Biggest Fitness Myths You Should Stop Believing Now | Qalfit

The best time to work out is wheneveryou want to! The truth is, the time of your workout does not have any effect onyour fitness or weight loss. Maybe some people like to work out early in themorning because it’s peaceful at that time. But, if you like to work out afteryour work hours late-night, it is completely fine. The important thing is youneed to work out regularly to be fit.

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3. “I can eat whatever I want,exercise makes me lose weight”


This is one of the common fitness myths you need to stop believing right now! You will hear this a lot, A LOT. But health experts say that in terms of weight loss, diet plays a major role than exercise. So, if you are trying to lose weight and get fit, don’t assume that you can simply ‘Work-out’ your fat. Try to eat healthily and exercise will be a great booster for your weight loss.

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4. Doing crunches daily results insix-pack abs.

4 Biggest Fitness Myths You Should Stop Believing Now | Qalfit

If you’ve been doing crunches formonths now, you probably found out that crunching your way to six-pack abs isone of the biggest fitness myths you’ll hear in your gym. Six pack abs isactually a combined result of interval training, utilizing carbs effectively, goodsleep, low-stress levels, and the right training routines. So, try sticking tothis program for getting six-pack abs.

So, next time you come across one of these biggest fitness myths in your gym, you now have the knowledge to educate your fellow gym buffs and improve your fitness training for good!

Are you gaining weight even when you are working out? Read our article on reasons for gaining weight while working out to find out why?


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