5 Home Tips For Oliy Skin | Proven Tips | Lifestyle

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Does your face tend to become dull and oily within a few minutes of washing it? Are you tired of overnight acne breakouts that spoil your whole day? If your answer is yes, you need to know how to control your oily skin. We know that living with oily skin can be extremely frustrating and most of the time, the tips and remedies you follow to control oily skin make the situation even worse!
But, rest assured, our 5 proven tips to control oily skin will help you battle oily skin and keep acne at bay.

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1. Be friends with Blotting papers

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The blotting paper will be your best friend when dealing with oily skin because these thin papers will do a good job of removing the excess grease and oil from your skin giving you a clear and oil-free look.

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2. Moisturize your skin

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Keeping your skin hydrated is important to control oily skin. Dry skin is prone to produce more oils and thus it makes the situation even worse. So, hydrate your skin with mild water-based moisturizers to have the best results.

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3. Oatmeal, honey, and almonds

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One of the main reasons for oily skin is the clogging of sebum in skin cells. An exfoliation therapy with natural ingredients like oatmeal, almond, and hone will remove dead skin cells and excess oils preventing sebum outbreak.

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4. Face mask

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Using a face mask 2-3 times a week will unclog the pores and removes the oil and dirt trapped in your skin. Papaya, cosmetic clay powder, egg whites, and lemon are the best-suited face masks to control oily skin.

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5. Don’t forget to wash

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Washing your face regularly can reduce the amount of oil on the skin. Use mild soaps or lotions and gently scrub your face to control oily skin. But avoid overdoing as it removes the natural oils and makes your skin dry.

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Oily skin is a common problem among both men and women but it can be managed quite well if you follow the above-mentioned proven tips to control oily skin. We hope that by now you know how to control oily skin if it concerns you. Also, remember that it is never a bad idea to consult your dermatologist.


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