Home remedies for knee pain - 5 best herbal medicines
Knee pain is a common complaint among people of all age groups. Whether it’s a workout injury, a temporary twitch in the muscles or you’re suffering from arthritis, knee pain can bring immense agony to your life. The worst part is that it not just makes it more difficult for you to lead an active lifestyle but also makes you more prone to obesity and other deadly diseases caused due to a sedentary lifestyle. The excruciating pain may last from a few hours to even a few days and it can interfere with your daily activities. Home remedies for knee pain are therefore essential.
So, it is crucial that you figure out the underlying cause behind the knee pain. No matter how severe the issue is, there are some best home remedies for knee pain.
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Causes of knee pain
According to health experts, knee pain can be caused due to a lot of factors. Some of the most common causes of knee pain include,
1. Physical exertion
In most cases, knee pain could just be a painful aftermath of physical exertion. All those heavy workouts at the gym, an intense football match you’ve played last evening, or the hundreds of steps you climbed today might be a cause of knee pain.
2. Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition that results when wear and tear of cartilage cause bones to rub together, leading to inflammation and knee pain. This usually happens to people beyond the age of 65.
3. Sprains and injuries
Sprains and injuries are also one of the common causes of knee pain. When your knee becomes stretched or put in an awkward position due to any unusual activity, sprains and injuries happen. This might cause severe pain in the knees.
4. Nutritional deficiency
Knee pain can also occur in children and teens due to the lack of Vitamin D, calcium, and iron. These three nutrients play a crucial role in bone health. Lack of any of these three nutrients can hamper with the bone health and can cause knee pain.
However, you can easily manage even the long-term problems with knee pain in your home naturally. Here are some of the best home remedies for knee pain.
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Best home remedies for knee pain
1. Heat and cold compress for knee pain
Compress treatment is one of the best home remedies for knee pain. The treatment depends on the type of pain you’re suffering from. Heat compress is best for chronic pain like arthritis. A cold compress helps reduce the blood flow to the affected area and reduces swelling and pain, thus cold compress can be used for injuries.
What do you need
- Thin towel
- Ice cubes or hot water
How to do it?
- Wrap a handful of ice cubes in a thin towel. (For injuries) or
- Then soak the towel in the hot water, wringing out the excess (For arthritis pain)
- Apply the compress to the affected area for 30 minutes.
- You can then do these two or three times a day.
2. Ginger extract home remedies for knee pain
Ginger is loaded with anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties that are helpful for getting rid of knee pain. Applying Ginger extracts on the affected knee pain area can provide quick relief from swelling and pain.
What do you need
How do you do it?
- Take a piece of fresh ginger and crush it.
- Then add the crushed ginger to a cup of water and boil it for 10 minutes.
- Let it cool and massage the affected knee with the ginger extract oil.
- You can also use ginger oil for this.
- Repeat this thrice a day.
3. Lemon rub home remedies for knee pain
Lemon serves as an effective home remedy for knee pain. This is because the citric acid in lemon helps to lower uric acid in your body that causes a certain type of arthritis.
What do you need
- Lemon
- Sesame oil
- Cotton cloth
How to do it?
- Cut one or two lemons into small pieces.
- Then place it in a cotton cloth and dip it in warm sesame oil.
- Hold the cloth on the affected area for 10 minutes.
- You may then do this twice a day.
4. Mustard oil massage remedy for knee pain
Mustard oil massage is one of the effective home remedies for knee pain. This is because it helps to stimulate blood flow and improves blood circulation in the veins around the knee. This helps to relieve knee pain.
What do you need
How do you do it?
- Heat two tablespoons of mustard oil.
- Crush one garlic clove and fry it in the mustard oil until it turns brown.
- Let the oil cool and apply it on your aching knee.
- Then gently massage the knees with the oil for 20 minutes.
- Do this twice a day.
5. Cayenne pepper paste for knee pain
Cayenne pepper has natural analgesic and pain-relieving properties that are helpful knee pain due to arthritis. A chemical compound called capsaicin in cayenne pepper acts as a natural painkiller for knee pain.
What do you need
How to do it?
- Take a handful of cayenne peppers and crush it.
- Then mix two teaspoons of olive oil with it and make a paste.
- Apply this in the affected area and massage gently.
- Repeat this once a day.
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The deliberating pain in the biggest joint on the body can bring your life to a standstill. If you don’t take the necessary actions, the pain will only increase. So, try these home remedies for knee pain and live a pain-free life.
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