How To Be A Better Person? | 6 Things To Become A Better Person
We agree that life sometimes gets hard and pushes you down, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to stay down. It is ok if you’re awful at something; being awful at something is the first step to being good at something. You just need to put on a strong and brave face and be a better person. If you want to know how to be a better person, you need to understand that being a better person means something different to everyone. What matters, in this case, is that you must never stop trying to be that better person. Try these 6 things that can make you a better person in 30 days.
1. Spend time with yourself!
Don’t worry about other people, spend time with yourself to figure outyour WHY and your WHAT. Decide what being a better person means to you todayand why do you want to be that better guy.
2. Make a note.
Make a note and write down three things you need to do today that makesyou a better person than you were yesterday. Don’t worry if you can’t finish atask on your list, move it to the next day and finish it.
3. Stop procrastinating.
Procrastination is a global disease. But you can avoid it and accomplishmuch more if you just start doing things today. Never put anything off untiltomorrow. This just wastes your mental productivity. If you want to be a betterperson, Stop procrastinating.
4. Increase your productivity every day.
The long hours you put on something won’t mean anything if you’re notproductive. Try to fill in the missing pieces and improve your productivityeach day and try to be a much better person the next day by improving yourproductivity. It doesn’t matter if its 0.001% or 100%, keep improving everyday.
5. Steer away from social media.
Do you know what you’ll miss if you don’t use social media? Nothing. Youwaste so much time on social media every day when you could do somethingproductive. We are not telling you to delete your accounts and burn your oldposts! Limit yourself to use social media for a few minutes per day and use theremaining time to improve your social and professional skills.
6. Fake it till you make it.
How to be a better person? Fake it till you make it! You can only be abetter person if the change comes within you. Visualize yourself to be asuccessful person. Visualize yourself as what you thought you would be in thefuture when you were a kid. Stop living for others and start being the goodperson you want to be from today!
You need to learn to pick yourself up when you fall down. The only way you can’t be a better person is if you stop trying. So, next time you’re thinking about how to be a better person for yourself, try these 6 things.
These things will surely help you to become a better person, but you need to stop doing some of the daily habits that are harmful to your health. Read the article on 5 harmful habits.
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