Natural ways to bring down blood sugar: Manage diabetes at home!

Diabetes or high blood sugar is a common problem nowadays. It is a disease that is increasing at an alarming rate all over the world, especially in India. With over 60 million diabetics, India is known as the world’s capital of diabetes. Diabetes is deadly because it can hit anyone. Once the disease sets course on your body, it wreaks havoc in almost every system of the body. These systems include the kidney, heart, eyes, nerves, and blood vessels. When left unchecked, diabetes will certainly lead to death. It is vital, therefore, to ensure that you employ natural ways to bring down blood sugar.

While there is no quick fix or magical vaccine for diabetes, there are several natural ways to bring down blood sugar levels. Combine these with a healthy lifestyle and you can control diabetes naturally at your home.

What causes diabetes?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO),diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. In simple terms, high blood sugar occurs when your body cannot effectively transport sugar from the blood into cells.

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Types of diabetes:

Type 1 diabetes: This is caused due to insufficient insulin production in the body. This requires daily administration of Insulin.

Type 2 diabetes: This type of diabetes results from the body’s ineffective use of insulin. This is because of the impact of one’s current lifestyle. (Excess body weight and physical inactivity).

Natural remedies to bring down high blood sugar levels

Are you looking for natural ways to bring down high blood sugar levels? There are several herbal and home remedies that can effectively lower your blood sugar levels without any side effects. Here are a few natural remedies for reducing high blood sugar.

1. Bitter gourd juice to bring down high blood sugar levels naturally

Bitter gourd juice is considered the best natural remedy for bringing down high blood sugar levels. This is because It has two essential active compounds called charatin and momordicin that have anti-diabetic properties. So this makes it an ideal ingredient to help you tackle high blood sugar levels.

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What do you need?

  • 1 medium-sized Bitter gourd
  • Lemon juice

How to do it?

  • Scoop out the seeds from the vegetable and put in a blender.
  • You can then grind it into a smooth juice and add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice to it.
  • Then, be sure to drink this juice in the morning and evening.

2. Neem powder to bring down high blood sugar levels naturally

The bitter leaf of neem is an excellent natural remedy for diabetes. This is because they are loaded with flavonoids, triterpenoids, and glycosides that help manage high blood sugar levels. As a result, neem powder is another great natural, healthy, and safe ingredient.

What do you need?

How do you do it?

  • First, take a handful of neem leaves and wash them thoroughly.
  • Then, dry the leaves in the sun for a day.
  • Next, take the dried leaves and grind them until smooth.
  • Finally, you can add this powder to your food and consume it regularly.

3. Papaya leaf to bring down high blood sugar levels naturally

Papaya leaf is loaded with antioxidants and vitamins that can bring down high blood sugar levels naturally. Consuming papaya leaf juice regularly not only lowers the progression of type-2 diabetes but also prevents kidney and liver damage caused byhighh blood sugar levels.

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What do you need?

  • Fresh papaya leaves.
  • Papaya fruit.

How do you do it?

  • Take 5-10 fresh papaya leaves and wash them thoroughly.
  • Then, put the leaves and a few cut pieces of papaya fruits in the blender and make a smooth juice.
  • Next, you can strain the mixture and drink it regularly.

4. Methi seed waterto bring down high blood sugar levels naturally

Methi or fenugreek has the ability to increase glucose tolerance in the body. It can also lower sugar levels and stimulates the secretion of glucose-dependent insulin. Thus, it is effective in controlling both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

What do you need?

How do you do it?

  • Soak 2 teaspoons of methi seeds in half litre water overnight.
  • Then in the morning, drink the water along with the seeds on an empty stomach.
  • You can also grind the seeds and consume them in powdered form.

5. Cinnamon teato bring down high blood sugar levels naturally

Cinnamon has certain chemical compounds that can alleviate blood sugar levels in the body by triggering insulin activity. It also reduces oxidative stress which plays a major role in lowering blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes.

What do you need?

  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • Dried Tea leaves.
  • Honey

How do we do it?

  • Keep the cinnamon stick in a tea mug and add boiling water to it.
  • Then, let it sit for 10 minutes and add dried tea leaves to it.
  • Next, remove the cinnamon stick and tea leaves and add one teaspoon of honey.

While managing diabetes and curing it may seem tough, it is possible with these natural remedies to bring down high blood sugar levels. A well-balanced diet coupled with an active lifestyle with more physical activity will keep you away from this deadly disease.


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