Tips for Travelling to India
A tiny little creature that can only be seen under a microscope rules the world now. How about that? Here are few tips for traveling to India amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
Coronavirus has affected all aspects of life. From home quarantine to country lockdown to economic disaster the world has been hit hard. Coronavirus, a China-born virus that inflicts infectious respiratory illness is taking down the world one patient at a time. While the deadly pandemic is still at large and a vaccine is yet to be found, Governments across the globe are taking necessary steps to curb the spread of Coronavirus.
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One important thing to note here is that the reason for the widespread of Covid-19 is due to the affected people traveling across the world as a carrier of coronavirus. Since the day when the first case of coronavirus pandemic in India was reported, the coronavirus has spread rapidly infecting more than 100 people all over India in just 5 weeks. So, if you’re an NRI or an Indian working abroad, planning to travel to India, here are a few tips if you’re traveling to India amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
- The Indian government has banned arriving international passengers from the Uk, Turkey, and the whole of Europe till the end of March. This means even if you’re an Indian passport holder residing in these countries you won’t be allowed to India till March 31.
- Even after this ban period, if you’re traveling from China, Korea, Iran, Spain, France, Germany, Italy and any countries of the European Union to India, you’ll be put through a mandatory quarantine.
- This is the most important thing to keep in mind if you’re traveling to India amidst the coronavirus outbreak. If you have any symptoms of coronavirus, it is advisable to postpone your travel to India as you’ll be endangering your life as well as others.
- Upon reaching India, even if you don’t show any signs or symptoms of COVID-19, get tested for the disease as you may be a carrier of the disease.
- Use disinfectants and frequently wash your hands after touching surfaces in airports and planes.
- Stay indoors and try not to go to public gatherings, sports events, movie theatres, malls, and crowded places.
- Take the necessary precautions and avoid coming in close contact with the affected patients.
- If you develop any symptoms of coronavirus like sore throat, coughing or fever, kindly rush to the nearest hospital as soon as possible.
While the disease is still at large, the WHO is recommending the people to temporarily halt any traveling plans. But, if there is an absolute necessity to travel to India in these high times, these are the few tips for traveling to India amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
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